
Adam shifty
Adam shifty

adam shifty

Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak met Trump briefly in a campaign event and met other advisers during the July Republican convention. Aides sought to arrange a meeting between Trump and Putin. And I said, what the hell is going on?"ĭuring the 2016 election, Trump's campaign had numerous contacts with Russia. will go to prison for what he has done to our country and for his relationship with Russia. "I'll never forget when he stood up at the microphone and said Donald Trump Jr. "I'll never forget when this guy, he knew it was a fake story," the former president continued. He's nothing - we call him watermelon head." I watched this Adam Schiff the other day. You saw the Russia, Russia hoax that we all went through for 2.5 years.

adam shifty

They don't have a sense of right and wrong, true and false, good and evil. "It has warped their sense of right and wrong. "For the radical left, politics has become their religion," Trump said. Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Friday during a speech at a Faith and Freedom event in Nashville, Tennessee. This article originally appeared on Raw Storyįormer President Donald Trump lashed out at Rep.

Adam shifty